Papaya shake

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Papaya shake


Cooking Time

Preparation Time :5 Min

Cook Time : 10 Min

Total Time : 15 Min


Serves : 2
  • 1 cups ripe papaya, cut into small chunks

  • 1 cups cold milk

  • 3-4 nos ice cubes

  • 1 tbsp honey or sugar (or to taste)


  • Wash the papaya. The skin of the fruit is not edible, but it is still important to wash the surface before you eat it. If the outside of the fruit is contaminated with bacteria or chemicals, you might infect the inside of the fruit when you slice it before washing.
  • Although papayas can be eaten at room temperature, the flavor is best when served cold. Place a whole or halved papaya into the fridge to prepare it. You can freeze the papaya to cool it more quickly, but bear in mind that you may need to thaw it slightly before using it. When you are ready to make your milkshake, remove the papaya from the fridge.
  • Lay the papaya on its side and slice off about three inches from the bottom. You should be able to see into the seed cavity in the center of the fruit. If you don't have access to the seed cavity, slice off a bit more.
  • Remove the seeds. Hold the papaya over a bowl. Use a spoon to scoop out the black, round seeds and the sticky membrane that holds them in place.
  • Peel the papaya. Stand the papaya on the end, using the side that you sliced as the base. Slowly slice off the peel in thin, downward slices—and be thorough. Try to leave a small cap of peel at the top of the fruit so that you can hold the fruit without touching the inside. Lay the papaya back on its side and cut away any remaining peel.
  • Open up the papaya. Chop off the top of the papaya around the stem. Slice the papaya in half, lengthwise.
  • Remove any remaining seeds and fibers. Flip each half of the papaya over so that you can see the seed cavity. Use your spoon to scoop out any remaining seeds. Scrape away any white fibers for a smoother shake, although this is not strictly necessary.[2]
  • Dice the papaya into small chunks using a sharp knife. The chunks do not need to be regular or equally-sized. The smaller the bits, the smoother your milkshake will be—but do not feel obliged to over-dice. As long as the blades of the blender can bite into the papaya and process it into the other ingredients, your milkshake should turn out fine.
  • First, blend the papaya with honey. Put 1 cup of diced papaya (per serving) into a blender with about 1 tablespoon (15 ml) of honey. This may improve the consistency of the papaya extract before you add milk. Blend until the papaya is thoroughly blended and juiced.
  • Pour the milk into the blender. You can always add more milk to adjust the consistency later. If you are supplementing or replacing the milk with ice cream or yogurt, you can add that now as well.
  • Add your sweeteners. 1 tablespoon (14.8 ml) of honey, sugar, or another sweetener should do the trick. If you aren't sure how sweet you want your milkshake, leave out the honey/sugar until after you've blended all of the other ingredients. You can always add more of any ingredient to tweak the taste.
  • serve chilled