Pizza Pops.

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Pizza Pops.

Now who don’t love that mouth water cheesy pizza. Here are the best and easiest pizza recipes for you. A must to try!

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :15 Min

Cook Time : 12 Min

Total Time : 27 Min


Serves : 2
  • For dough:1/2cup all purpose flour (maida).

  • 1/2tea spoon yeast.

  • 1 pinch salt.

  • 1 tea spoon oil.

  • 1/2tea spoon sugar.

  • For filling:1table spoon chopped onion.

  • 1tea spoon spring onion.

  • 1tea spoon chopped capsicum

  • 1 tea spoon chopped tomato(discard flesh)

  • 1 tea spoon pizza sauce.

  • 2 table spoon grated mozerella cheese

  • 6-7 skewers for pops.

  • 1 tea spoon pizza sauce for garnishing.

  • 1tea spoon grated mozerella cheese for garnishing.


  • Mix all the ingredients of dough in a bowl.
  • Add a little lukewarm water and knead a soft dough.
  • Cover and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Meanwhile mix all the ingredients of folling in a bowl.
  • After 10 minutes roll the dough into a thin sheet.Cut into puris /pizza base of a diameter about 4 inches.
  • Put 1 tea spoon filling on each puri.
  • Seal the edges of puris as shown in picture.
  • Preheat an oven at 180 degree celcius for 10 minutes.
  • Bake the pizza pops at the same temperature for 10-12 minutes.
  • Take out from oven ,garnish with mozerella cheese and pizza sauce.Pierce an skewer in the middle of pop .Pizza pops are ready to serve.Serve hot.