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Cooking Time

Preparation Time :10 Min

Cook Time : 6 Min

Total Time : 16 Min


Serves : 4
  • 3 tbsp Chana Dal

  • 1/4 cup Milk

  • 5 egg's

  • 3 tbsp sugar

  • 1 tsp Cardamom powder

  • 1 tbsp cashew nuts & raisins

  • 1 tbsp ghee


  • Soak chana dal in water for 2 hours & Drain it.
  • Grind chana dal with milk to make smooth paste
  • In a bowl add 2 eggs & 3 egg yolks beat with mixer then add sugar & cardamom powder to it
  • Now beat until sugar dissolved.
  • In a separate bowl add 3 egg whites & Whip to make white fluffy cream.
  • Next add chana dal paste into egg yolk mix & carefully add whipped egg whites. Mix slowly by folding method.
  • Heat the pressure cooker at low flame and add 1 tbsp of ghee
  • Add chana dal egg mix into cooker & close the lid (Don't place weight on it)
  • In a separate pan add ghee & Fry cashew nuts & raisins.
  • After 3 mins open the Pressure cooker lid & add cashew nuts & Raisins on top of it. Close the lid .
  • Then cook at low flame until steam comes out through the Nozzle or till an inserted toothpick comes out clean.
  • Finally off the flame and lets cool it after remove from cooker.