Linzer Butter Cookies

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Linzer Butter Cookies

Well! With countless recipes out there., we have managed to put together the best cookie recipes. It is a must try for you!

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :2 Hr 0 Min

Cook Time : 15 Min

Total Time : 2 Hr 15 Min


Serves : 10
  • 1 1/4 cup flour

  • 1/3 cup powdered sugar

  • 1/2 tsp salt

  • 1 egg

  • 1 tsp vanilla essence

  • 125 gm cold butter

  • 1/2 cup strawberry jam

  • 2 tbsp powdered sugar( for dusting)


  • Sieve the flour, salt and powdered sugar in a bowl.
  • Make a hole in centre and add egg and vanilla essence.
  • Mix it with a fork till incorporated.
  • Cut the butter in cubes and add to the flour.
  • Slowly mix with hands till it resembles breadcrumbs.
  • Work with the butter and flour and make a dough.
  • Wrap this dough in cling film and refrigerate for at least 2 hours.
  • Take out from fridge and roll it into 1/8 inch thick.
  • Cut the base and a cutout top for each cookie in your desired shape.
  • Re roll and cut the dough straps .
  • Bake the cookies in a preheated oven at 180 degree Celsius for 12-15 minutes until they are just set and brown around the edges.
  • Let the cookies cool then dust the cutout top with powdered sugar.
  • Spread half tsp of strawberry jam on the base .
  • Place the sugared top gently on the filled base and press together.
  • Let the cookies sit for few hours for the sandwich to set and then serve.