Orange Squash

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Orange Squash

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :25 Min

Cook Time : 15 Min

Total Time : 40 Min


Serves : 12
  • 7 oranges

  • 400 gram sugar

  • 2 tbsp lemon juice

  • 1 Pinch of orange food colour (optional)


  • Wash the orange thoroughly with water and dry up with a towel.
  • Cut the oranges horizontally.
  • Separate the pulp of oranges and its peels with the help of a spoon.
  • Soak the peel of 5 oranges into the water for about 15 minutes.
  • Put the pulp of oranges into a blending jar to take out the juices.
  • Very Lightly blend it. (Don't blend too long because seeds are inside the pulp and too long blending can make the juice bitter in taste.)
  • Strain the orange juice.
  • Squeeze out the excess juice by lightly pressing on the pulp with the help of a spoon and keep aside.
  • Scrape out the inner white part of the soaked orange peels with the help of a spoon.
  • Now boil these orange peels till it becomes soft and then allow to cool.
  • To make sugar syrup, add 400 gram sugar and 500 ml water in a kadhai/ saucepan and Cook the sugar solution on a high heat till the sugar disolve into the water.
  • Reduce the heat to medium and boil the sugar solution for another 10 minutes and turn off the gas, allow to cool completely.
  • After cooling down the boiled orange peels, grind it in a grinding jar and make a smooth paste.
  • Now add the orange juice, lemon juice and orange peel paste to the sugar syrup at room temperature and mix together.
  • Strain the mixture.
  • The orange squash is ready to serve without any preservatives.
  • At this time, I have added a pinch of orange food colour (this is totally optional).
  • Store in a glass bottle and you can use it for 2-3 weeks if it is kept in refrigerator.
  • For one serving, add the orange squash 1/3 portion of a serving glass.
  • Add 1 teaspoon sugar.
  • Add 1/4 teaspoon black salt powder (optional).
  • Add 1/4 teaspoon chat masala (optional).
  • Add chilled water 2/3 portion of the serving glass and mix till the sugar dissolves into the mixture (instead of chilled water you also can use chilled sada water).
  • Add ice cubes and serve.