Home Made Peanut Butter

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 Home Made Peanut Butter

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :5 Min

Cook Time : 10 Min

Total Time : 15 Min


Serves : 15
  • 1 cups roasted salted peanut

  • 4 tsp honey

  • 2 tsp cream

  • 1 tsp veg. oil

  • 1 tbsp nutella


  • Place peanut in a food processor or mixer grinder
  • Turn the food processor on and let it run for 4-5 minutes
  • Stir in honey,cream ,oil
  • Mix until creamy texture
  • Divide the mix in two cups,add one tbsp Nutella in one cup,so you get two flavours from one mix
  • Store in bottle
  • Keep them in fridge