Tri Colour Carrot Kiwi Delight

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Tri Colour Carrot Kiwi Delight

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :6 Min

Cook Time : 25 Min

Total Time : 31 Min


Serves : 6
  • 3 kiwis

  • 4 medium sized orange carrots

  • 2 cup sugar

  • 3 green cardamom's powder

  • Half of 1 cup melon seeds

  • 2 tbsp desiccated coconut

  • 1 tbsp ghee


  • Cut kiwis and grind them to make a smooth paste
  • Cut carrots and wall until smooth
  • After boiling take out from the water and make a smooth paste
  • Now hear up the ghee in the pan and roast the carrot mixture
  • now add one cup of sugar and 1 tbsp desiccated coconut and cardamom powder in it and stir continuously for 5 minutes
  • keep this mixture aside and let it cool
  • heat of the Ghee in the other pan and add kiwi mixture
  • roast kiwi mixture 5 to 7 minutes
  • add desiccated coconut and 1 cup sugar in it
  • roast until thick consistency after this let it cool
  • now take some kiwi mixture and form a small Roti fill the carrot mixture in it and make squares shape
  • now stick melon seeds outside and on the carrot mixture also
  • Enjoy the patriotism with this sweet delicacy without using artificial colours