Doremon Cake

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Doremon Cake

Bake the most deliciously fluffy and moist cake for any occasion with these yummy and simple cake recipes!

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :20 Min

Cook Time : 1 Hr 10 Min

Total Time : 1 Hr 30 Min


Serves : 12
  • Maida - 2 cup

  • Home made Malai (cream) - 1 cup

  • Sugar powder - 1 cup

  • Baking powder - 1 tsp

  • Baking soda - 1 tsp

  • Vanilla essence 1/4 th teaspoon

  • Milk 1/2 cup or as required

  • Sweet Whipped cream - 250 gm

  • Sliced tin Pineapple - 1 bowl

  • Chocolate balls for eyes - 2

  • Mix fruit jam - 2 tsp

  • Pineapple jam 1 teaspoon

  • Pineapple crush - 1/2 cup

  • Sugar syrup ( Take 1/2 cup sugar with 1 cup water cook till sugar dissolves)

  • Blue food color 1/2 teaspoon

  • Dark chocolate - 2 tsp ( mealted)

  • Royal Blue colour Jelly 2-3 teaspoon

  • Butter paper sheets as per requirement 6-7


  • Mix sugar in home made malai (cream) and keep aside for 20 min. Meanwhile mix baking powder and soda in maida. Sieve it 4 -5 time.
  • Mix vanilla essence in sweet malai after 20 min. Beat it and mix maida 1 by 1 spoon... Add Milk also at the same time
  • Make a semi thick batter.
  • Pour in greased cake tin and bake it in preheated oven at 180 degree for 50 min. De mould the cake. Cool...... Sliced the cake in two parts .
  • Prick the divided cake all over using toothpick
  • Soak the cake with sugar syrup for softness.
  • Put one cake on cardboard and spread whipped cream on the cake.
  • Then place chopped canned pineapple slice on the cream
  • Again spread cream on it.
  • Cover with another cake layer
  • Cover the whole cake with whipped cream finely.
  • Draw the face of dooremon on Butter paper like the pic.
  • Cut it and place on the cake.
  • Screch lines of face with the help of toothpick.
  • It help to make face of doremon, Then remove it from the cake.
  • Mix blue food color in half cream.
  • Fill cream in piping bag and make the face of dooremon according to the pic
  • Use chocolate balls for eyes.
  • Use jam according to the pic.
  • Cover the cake with blue cream, in short make it nicely using synthetic food colours according to the face of doremon
  • Serve Decorated, Doremon Cake is ready