No Bake Rusk Cake

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No Bake Rusk Cake

Bake the most deliciously fluffy and moist cake for any occasion with these yummy and simple cake recipes!

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :7 Min

Cook Time : 3 Hr 0 Min

Total Time : 3 Hr 7 Min


Serves : 3
  • 6 rusks

  • 3tsp normal sugar

  • 3tsp castor sugar

  • 1glass of milk

  • 2tsp cocoa powder

  • 2tsp nuts for garnishing

  • 2 tsp colored cherries

  • 5tsp thick cream

  • 1tsp coffee


  • Heat milk,sugar and coffee.Bring it to boil and keep aside.
  • Mix castor sugar,cream and cocoa powder
  • Dip each rusk in milk mixture and assemble it in a serving bowl. Make sure to cover all the leftover sides sith small pieces.
  • Spread a thick layer of cream -cocoa mixture
  • Repeat the layers till done.
  • Garnish it with chopped walnuts and colored cherries
  • Sprinkle some castor sugar for that extra touch! Adding cocoa powder is optional.
  • Chill it for 3-4hrs . Cut ,Eat and Enjoy the deliciousness😍