Peanut Chikki

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Peanut Chikki

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :5 Min

Cook Time : 10 Min

Total Time : 15 Min


Serves : 3
  • 1 cup roasted peanuts (150g)

  • Jaggery 1 cup (200g) crumbled

  • Ghee 2 tbsp


  • Put crumbled jaggery in a pan.
  • Turn on flam add 1 tbsp ghee to it.stir and melt it on low flam.break jaggery with spatula and stir and cook for 1 to 2 minutes more
  • To check the jaggery take some water in a bowl, pour some drops of jaggery in it.let it cool a bit,than take out if it is stretching.if not than cook for a minute,than break n check again,if breaking the jaggery is ready
  • Keep the flame very low put the peanuts in jaggery.mix well.turn of flame.
  • Grease the board and spatula with ghee.pour the mix on the board.spread with spatula.grease rolling pin with ghee then spread with it.once spread let it cool
  • When slightly cool,mark the chikki,keep the desired size
  • Once it cools completely,separate it from the board
  • Winter spacial crunchy peanut chikki is can keep the chikki in any containor and relish it for 1 month