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Cooking Time

Preparation Time :30 Min

Cook Time : 1 Hr 0 Min

Total Time : 1 Hr 30 Min


Serves : 10
  • 1 kgs sujii ravva

  • 500 gms ghee or butter

  • 1 kgs sugar

  • 50 gms milk

  • 50 gms cashew

  • 50 gms raisins

  • 50 gms pista

  • 50 gms almond


  • Take a pan and keep the pan on the stove . Heat the pan. Add photo 5 teaspoons of butter or ghee fry cashew , raisins , almond and pista. Fry them until they come into goldish color. Then take them into a plate. Now add the butter or ghee then add suji rava In to it mix that very well until they come into light goldish color.Now keep it a side to cool down. Mean while grind sugar in mixer for just 2seconds because it should not be fine powder.
  • Now add sugar in to ravva and mix well and add nuts in to it .
  • Now add milk little by little . Then roll ravva in to laddu with one hand . That's it ready to taste.