Anarsa ( A crunchy Rice flour Pastry )

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 Anarsa ( A crunchy Rice flour Pastry )

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :72 Hr 0 Min

Cook Time : 40 Min

Total Time : 72 Hr 40 Min


Serves : 12
  • 1 cup rice

  • 1 cup powdered sugar

  • 1 cup ghee

  • 1/2 tbsp dahi/curd

  • 4 tsp poppy seeds / khus khus


  • Wash rice and soak in water for 3 days. CHange the water every day and on 4th spread on a cotton cloth and let it dry.
  • After 1 hour grind it to fine powder.
  • Sieve the rice flour.
  • Reserve 50 grams rice flour and add castor sugar to the remaining rice powder. Mix well and add 1/2 tbsp curd and 1 tbsp ghee to it and knead the mixture. Be careful while adding curd as addition of more curd will make the sugar in the mixture to melt and the mixture will become sticky .
  • Keep the dough covered for 1 day
  • Next day grease a plate or take a plastic sheet. Sprinkle poppy seeds on it.
  • Take small lemon sized portion out of the dough and make a small ball, press it gently on the poppy seeds.
  • Flatten the dough in a small round disc , apply some ghee on hand to avoid stickiness.
  • Heat ghee in a pan and fry anarsa in it till golden . Keep splashing ghee on top and make sure to keep the poppy seeds side up .
  • Remove it on a paper napkin gently without breaking or cracking it.
  • Let it cool down till it becomes crisp. Store in airtight container to keep the crunchiness.