Coffee Modak Sandesh

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Coffee Modak Sandesh

We have put together some of the best ideas to whip up the a great cup of coffee.

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :10 Min

Cook Time : 10 Min

Total Time : 20 Min


Serves : 5
  • 3 cup milk for paneer

  • 3 tbsp sugar

  • 3 tsp coffee powder

  • 1 tsp coco powder

  • 1 tbsp pista

  • 1 silver foil

  • 1 tbsp silver balls


  • Make paneer from milk by adding lemon juice
  • Remove all water and hang it in muslin cloth for 1/2 an hour
  • Now take paneer,sugar,coco powder and coffee powder in a plate
  • Mash them with your palm till smooth
  • Bring them altogether it will form like dough
  • Heat pan and cook it for five min.
  • Take modak mould and grease itdevide dough in equal parts and make balls
  • Take one ball and insert in mould press it
  • Our modak will ready
  • In same manner prepare all midak sandesh
  • Take out them carefully
  • And garnish with foil top with pista
  • I have some cake crumble so i serve upon crumble bed and sprinkle silver balls
  • These coffee modak can win everybody's heart in party or festival