Teriyaki Chicken

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Teriyaki Chicken

This versatile meat can be prepared in so many ways and we have the best chicken recipes for you.

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :15 Min

Cook Time : 30 Min

Total Time : 45 Min


Serves : 1
  • 2 nos chicken breasts

  • 1/2 cups soy sauce

  • 1/2 cups red chili sauce

  • 2 tsp ketchup (optional)

  • 1/2 cups cornstarch

  • 3 tsp salt

  • 3 tsp chilli powder

  • 3 tsp ginger-garlic paste

  • 1/2 tsp sesame seeds

  • 1 tsp cilantro/coriander leaves (for garnish)


  • Cut the chicken breasts into roughly cube-shaped sizes
  • Add the ginger-garlic paste to the chicken and mix well
  • Add the salt, chilli-powder and cornstarch to the chicken
  • Mix the chicken well, make sure all the ingredients are well combined
  • Let the marinate rest for 10 mins
  • After resting deep-fry the chicken cubes for 5 mins
  • Then spread the fries chicken on a baking sheet and (Optional) cover them with very little cornstarch and let them rest for 10 mins
  • Deep-fry it again for another 5 mins
  • Put the soy sauce, red chilli sauce and the ketchup which is optional into a pan and let them reduce for 5 mins
  • After the sauce is reduced add the double-fried chicken and the sesame seeds and cook for 5 mins
  • BONUS TIP! - Keep tossing around the chicken in the pan so that it absorbs all the sauce
  • Now the Teriyaki Chicken is ready, put it into a bowl and garnish with the cilantro and serve