WaterMelon Jam

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WaterMelon Jam

Today I have prepared homemade watermelon jam with only 3 ingredients and without adding any preservative.Its a very colorful jam that you can give to your children without any worries.Do it a try and let me know the feed back.If you like this recipe don't forget to share it with your friends and relatives.

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :5 Min

Cook Time : 25 Min

Total Time : 30 Min


Serves : 6
  • Watermelon - 250 grams (5 to 6 cups) Or according to your need

  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon

  • Sugar - 1 cup

  • Rose Water - 1 teaspoon (optional)


  • Take 250 grams of water melon, remove its seeds and make it into small pieces or make it a puree.Add it in a pot and
  • bring it to boil in a medium flame and mix it in between.After 5 minutes we can add 1 cup of sugar or according to
  • your need/sweetness of the watermelon and mix it till it dissolves completely.When the water content is start to
  • reducing we can add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and mix well.Allow it to reduce the water content completely.When it starts
  • to thicken we can add 1 teaspoon of rose water and mix well.We can off the flame when it became thick.Allow it cool and
  • transfer the jam in a sterilized jar.Keep it in a cool place or in refrigerator for longer use.