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Cooking Time

Preparation Time :10 Min

Cook Time : 30 Min

Total Time : 40 Min


Serves : 8
  • 150 gms gobindovog rice(short grain,sticky , aromatic rice famous in west bengal)

  • 700 gms batasha/ बतासा/sugar drop candy

  • 2.5 litre milk

  • 5 piece whole cardamom

  • 2 piece bayleaf

  • 2 tbsp milk powder

  • 1 tsp ghee

  • 1 pinch salt

  • 50 gms cashew

  • 40 gms raisins


  • Boil milk fully.. then slow the flame, again boil it for 10 minutes.. so that the milk become a little bit thick
  • Add bayleaf and crushed cardamom pods.. then add washed gobindbhog rice
  • In a medium flame, boil the rice..
  • Stir continuously.. otherwise rice become stuck
  • When rice fully done and become mashy, add batasha/ sugar drop candy.. in West Bengal, we used to make it nolen gur (jaggery made from dates tree) , which is only available in winter season.. otherwise, it can be done by jaggery-batasha (गुड़ बतासा)
  • Now add a pinch of salt.. it enhances the sweet taste and balances at well
  • Increase the heat and boil it.. reduce the consistency of the kheer.. in this stage, add cashew..
  • In a small bowl, add some milk (room temperature) with milk powder and add it to the kheer
  • Lastly add raisins and a little bit ghee.. turn of the heat after adding raisins.. it enhances the aroma
  • Kheer/ Payesh is ready..