Channa Jhili

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Channa Jhili

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :15 Min

Cook Time : 10 Min

Total Time : 25 Min


Serves : 10
  • 1 cups channa (cottage cheese)

  • 1 cups khoya

  • 2 tbsp sugar for jhili 1 cup for syrup

  • 1 tsp baking powder

  • 1 pinch salt

  • 1 cups oil for frying

  • 1 cups water for syrup

  • 1 tsp cardamom powder

  • 2 nos pistachios for decorations grated


  • In a bowl mix Channa, khoya, baking powder, sugar , salt and pinch of cardamom powder and make a soft dough out of it.
  • After 15 minutes make small balls out of the dough and slowly roll this ball into a log shape using tour palm and give it a heart shape by overlapping the both the ends .
  • This is the stage where if your Channa is not kneaded enough will crack.
  • That means you have to knead it further to get that smooth consistency.
  • Heat oil in a frying pan and deep fry these jhili till golden brown in color in medium heat .
  • Make sugar syrup add jhili in it.
  • Boil them 3 minutes.
  • Channa jhili ready to serve cold/hot with pistachio crushed and cardamom powder as garnishing.