Bean Curry

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Bean Curry

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :13 Hr 0 Min

Cook Time : 1 Hr 0 Min

Total Time : 14 Hr 0 Min


Serves : 6
  • 500g Speckled beans

  • 1tbsp of tumeric

  • 1tbsp of chilli flakes

  • 1tsp of salt

  • 1tbsp coconut oil

  • 3-5 green onions

  • 1/2 cup of peppers

  • 1 cup of spinach / kale

  • 1/2 cup of lentils / split peas

  • 500g of mushrooms


  • Add boiling water to a pot with the beans. Let it soak overnight.
  • Bring the beans to a boil and let it simmer in water on the stove for 25min, then add the lentils/peas and the oil.
  • Simmer for another 5 minutes nefore adding the mushrooms and chilli flakes.
  • Simmer for an additional 15 minutes before adding the peppers and tumeric.
  • Simmer for 10 minutes, set stove to the lowest setting and add the salt, onions and spinach / kale.
  • Add water throughout when needed.
  • Let it simmer for the last 5 minutes.