Fish Puff

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Fish Puff

You will be surprised how easy it to whip up great tasting recipes with fish. We put together the best fish recipes. Do try it!

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :1 Hr 0 Min

Cook Time : 30 Min

Total Time : 1 Hr 30 Min


Serves : 6
  • 220 gm maida

  • 220 gm butter

  • 1/2 tsp Salt

  • 4-5 pieces fish

  • 1 inch ginger

  • 1 tbsp fried onion

  • 2-3 green chillies

  • 2 tbsp tomato sauce

  • 1 /2 tsp salt ( for stuffing)

  • 1 /2 tsp pepper powder

  • 1 egg yolk

  • 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder

  • 2 tbsp Chopped coriander


  • Mix 40 gm of butter, salt with maida properly. Add water to maida and make a dough. Keep for 30 minutes.
  • Roll the dough into a big chapati dust with extra maida . Put cold butter in the middle of the chapati and fold it like envelope, wrap with cling film. Keep in the fridge for 20mins.
  • Meanwhile fry the fish. Marinate the fish with salt and turmeric powder.
  • Heat oil and deep fry the fish. De- bone the fish and put in the mixer jar. Add ginger, fried onion, salt, green and make then into paste.
  • Add chopped coriander and pepper powder in the fish mixture., keep aside.
  • Take out the rolled maida envelope from the fridge and softly roll again length wise and fold it 1 ,2 that means three layer. wrap with cling film.Put it in the fridge for another 20 minutes.
  • Do this procedure 6- 7 times ,every time roll and keep in the fridge for 20mins.
  • Lastly roll the envelope like a 1/4 inch thick square sheet. Cut to 4 × 4 inch pieces. Put pieces on the butter paper and keep in the fridge for 2 hours.
  • Preheat the oven at 230degrees.
  • spread tomato sauce and put fish mixture on the middle of each puff pastry sheet
  • Fold to triangular shape and brush egg yolk on the top.
  • Bake the puff at 180 degree Celsius for 25 - 30 minutes
  • Serve it with sauce.