Stuffed Chilla Cube

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 Stuffed Chilla Cube

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :15 Min

Cook Time : 15 Min

Total Time : 30 Min


Serves : 2
  • 1 cup whole moong ( soaked overnight)

  • 1/2 water for grinding

  • 1/4 spoon haldi

  • 3/4 no.of green chillies

  • 4 garlic cloves

  • Ginger 1 tbs

  • Salt 1 tbsp

  • 1/2 tbsp oil for cooking chillas

  • Coriander leaves,karipatta 1tbsp

  • 1.Cheese cube

  • Oregano 1/4 spoon


  • 1. rinse the moong 3 /4 times in water.
  • 2.soak moong with 2/3 cups Water overnight.
  • 3.the moong dal will double up in size.discard the water.
  • In a grinder add chillies,adrak, garlic,karipatta , coriander leaves soaked moong with 1/4 cup water.
  • Don't add too much water.we need smooth n lump free batter for chillas.
  • Making chillas:
  • Add salt in the mixture.again mix very well.heat the pan add a scoopful batter towards the centre of the pan.spread the batter evenly.
  • Drizzle few drops of oil around the edges of the chillas. After a minute they will look crisp .
  • Cook other side as well.
  • For beetroot chillas: add a small piece of beetroot along with soaked moong.make a smooth paste.this batter is also ready for chillas.same way we hv to make chillas .
  • For cube : cut the chilla strips first .green one and red one.make a plus.add cheese, oregano, coriander leaves in the fold it . given pics for to fold it.