spaghetti in spinach sauce sunflowder seeds on top

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spaghetti in spinach sauce sunflowder seeds on top

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :15 Min

Cook Time : 20 Min

Total Time : 35 Min


Serves : 5
  • 1 small packet spaghetti

  • 150 grm spinach

  • 3-4 garlic cloves chopped

  • 2 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp black pepper powder

  • 3-4 cheese slices

  • 1/4 cup sunflowder seeds

  • 1 tbsp oil for cooking


  • First in a big bowl take enough water add 1 tsp salt and 1 tsp oil ,when water starts boiling add spaghetti . Cook until becomes soft . Drain all the water and put boiled spaghetti aside .
  • Now in a Big bowl add water ,when water starts boiling ,add spinach ,cook for 5 minutes .Turn off the gas drain all the water . Now keep this spinach into cold water For 5 minutes . Again drain all the water.Blanch spinach is ready .keep this aside .
  • Now in a blander put blanched spinach .Process it .Spinach puree is ready .
  • Now in a pan ,take 1 tbsp oil .Now add garlic cloves .saute it for 2 minutes . Now add spinach puree , cook it for 3-4 minutes . Now add salt and black pepper .Mix all ingredients well . Now add boiled spaghetti into this . mix well . Put cheese slices on top . Cover it . Cook until cheese melts .turn off the gas.
  • spaghetti in spinach sauce is ready to serve . Sprinkle some sunflower seeds on top . Serve hot .