Whosayna’s Rangeela Machchi Bhaat

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Whosayna’s Rangeela Machchi Bhaat

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :40 Min

Cook Time : 40 Min

Total Time : 1 Hr 20 Min


Serves : 6
  • A: Veggie Bhaat 1) 2 cups Rice 2) Salt 3) 1/2 cup Carrots (chopped) 4) 1 cup boiled Peas n (chopped) Capsicum 5) 2 sticks of Cinnamon 6) few Cloves 7) 1 tbsp Garlic (chopped) 8} 3 cups Coconut Milk B: Fried Fish: 1) 2 Hand Sized Snapper (or any fish u desire) 2) 3 tsp Chilli powder 3) 1 tsp Paprika 4) Lemon Juice 5) 1 tbsp Garlic (pounded) 6) 1 tbsp Besan C: Coco Veggie Gravy: 1) 3 cups Veggies (Brocolli, Cauliflower, French Beans, Carrots, Peas and Potatoes 2) 1 Onion (chopped) 3) 1 Tomato (chopped) 4) 2 cups Coconut Milk 5) Salt 6) Lemon juice 7) 1/2 tsp Turmeric powder 😎 1 tsp Chilli powder 9) 1 tsp Corriander powder 10) 1 tbsp Garlic (pounded) 11) 1/2 tsp Cummin seeds 12) 1 Cinnamon stick


  • ...Cook rice in coconut milk, simmer and keep aside when done... Braise carrots in little ghee adding half of the garlic n pinch of salt, keep in a bowl In same pan braise peas n capsicum with the remaining garlic n pinch of salt... Make 3 portions of Rice, in one portion add braised carrots n little orange color toss well, keep aside In another portion add braised peas n capsicum add little green color n toss... Take a casserole first pour orange rice n level it, den pour white rice n level it now top up with green rice and level it... Just before serving heat up in microwave.... Mixed Veggie in Coco Gravy topped up with Fried Fish: Fried Fish: ....make a marinade of the above and apply on slitted fish let it rest in fridge for 2 hrs atleast... Fry in nonstick pan in very little oil, till nicely crisped up Coco Veggie Gravy: ...braise onion till pinkish color, add tomato n spices n braise till paste like add peas and potatoes cook till almost done now add the other veggies and coconut milk, boil once n remove from flame... Garnish with chopped parsely... How to serve Rangeela Machchi Bhaat: 1) Place bhaat on the side of platter 2) Put veggie gravy in a long bowl n place fried fish on top 3) Garnish as u prefer