Ragi Cookies

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Ragi Cookies

Well! With countless recipes out there., we have managed to put together the best cookie recipes. It is a must try for you!

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :30 Min

Cook Time : 15 Min

Total Time : 45 Min


Serves : 5
  • Ragi flour -1/2 cup

  • Wheat flour-1/2 cup

  • jaggery 1/2 cup

  • Cold Butter-1/2 cup

  • Baking powder -1 tsp

  • Milk – 2 tbsp to knead the dough


  • Sift the ragi flour, wheat flour and baking powder together.
  • Add the cold butter to the flour mixture and mix it with your hand.
  • You will get a mixture that resembles breadcrumbs, as shown in the picture below.
  • Add the powdered sugar or organic powdered jaggery or jaggery syrup and mix well.
  • Add one or two tablespoons of milk to make the dough softer. Take care not to add more milk as the dough will become runny and cannot be used after that.
  • Roll the dough into a ball and refrigerate for half an hour. After half a hour, divide the dough into small balls and flatten it on your palm to make round cookies.
  • Line a baking tray with aluminium foil. Place the cookies on the baking tray, and with help of fork, make 3-4 stripes on the cookies to ensure even baking.
  • Preheat the oven to 180 °C. Bake the cookies for 15-20 minutes at 180 °C.
  • Keep checking in between as the cookies may cook faster than expected. When they start browning at the edges, it’s time to remove them. Cool them on a wire rack and store in an airtight container. And eat.