No Bake Mango Pie

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No Bake Mango Pie

Vibrant fillings, bold finishes — here are brilliant new pies to make your day. Do try them out!

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :6 Hr 0 Min

Cook Time : 1 Min

Total Time : 6 Hr 1 Min


Serves : 8
  • 1.5 cups digestive biscuits crumbs

  • 7 tbsp melted butter

  • 4 tbsp powdered sugar

  • 2-3 ripe mangoes chopped

  • 4 tbsp condensed milk

  • 120ml whipping cream

  • 1/2 cup icing sugar

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 2.5 teaspoon gelatin

  • 3 tbsp cold water

  • 1/4 cup or more chopped mangoes to garnish


  • In a bowl, mix biscuits crumbs, melted butter and powdered sugar. Add mixture to pie dish and spread evenly to bottom and sides of the dish
  • Chill crust for 30 minutes
  • Blend mangoes with condensed milk to form a smooth puree
  • Adjust the quantity of condensed milk as per sweetness required. The puree should be 1 cup
  • Sprinkle gelatin over cold water and rest for 5-10 minutes until spongy
  • Microwave and stir gelatin until dissolved completely
  • Add gelatin to mango puree and mix well
  • Whip Cream and icing sugar to form soft peaks. Add vanilla extract and blend until stiff peaks form
  • Add mango puree to whipped cream and blend well
  • Add the mango mixture to chilled crust. Spread evenly
  • Chill the pie for 6-7 hours or overnight
  • Slowly detach bottom of pan and transfer to serving plate. Incase pan is not detachable, leave pie in pan
  • Garnish with chopped mangoes, nuts, tutti fruitti etc. Cut with hot knife and serve