Chikoo Sabja Milk Shake /Sapota Sabja Milk shake

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Chikoo Sabja Milk Shake /Sapota Sabja Milk shake

Chikoo Sabja Milk shake /Sapota Sabja Milk shake is very healthy, delicious and refreshing. It acts as an energy booster for all to keep the energy levels going throughout the day.

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :5 Min

Cook Time : 5 Min

Total Time : 10 Min


Serves : 2
  • 125 ml full cream milk (boiled and cooled)

  • 4 nos fresh chikoo

  • 1 tbsp sugar

  • 2 pinch pinch of cinnamon powder for the garnish

  • 1 nos ice cubes

  • 2 nos vanilla ice-cream scoops

  • 1 tsp honey


  • Soak sabja seeds in a bowl of water for 10 minutes.
  • Remove the skin and seeds from Chikoo and cut into pieces
  • Put Chikoo, milk, sugar and scoops of Ice Cream in a Mixer and pulse into a smooth milk shake.
  • Now add Ice Cubes and pulse again for a minute.
  • Drizzle honey on the inner walls of the glass
  • Now Pour the Milk Shake, add 1 teaspoon of soaked sabja seeds on top and garnish with cinnamon powder.
  • Chilled Chikoo Milk Shake is ready to serve.