Colourful Mathari

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Colourful Mathari

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :20 Min

Cook Time : 20 Min

Total Time : 40 Min


Serves : 6
  • 200 gms madia/all purpose flour

  • 50 ml oil

  • 1 tsp salt

  • 1/2 tsp ajwain carrom seeds

  • 1 pinch baking soda

  • 1 cups water

  • 1/2 tsp red food colour

  • 1/2 tsp green food colour

  • 1 cups oil for deep fry


  • In a bowl take the flour,salt and carrom seeds and mix it properly.
  • Add the oil to the flour mix and incorporate it nicely with your fingertips till it resembles breadcrumbs.
  • Add water and knead it to a tight ,tough ,smooth dough.
  • Divide the dough into 3 equal parts and add the red and green food colour each to two parts and knead it properly so that  making it a green and red coloured dough.
  • keep all the 3 portions covered for 10-15 mins.
  • After 10 mins roll out all 3 doughs into 8"ROTI and keep all the 3 colours Roti  on top of each other .
  • alternately brushing each roti with water before positioning it on top of the other according to the colours you want in your mathari.
  • Than roll carefully into a cigar shaped roll brushing a little water at the end and Cut the roll into thin slices like mathari
  • heat the oil for deep fry in a pan and deep fry the dough slices 5-6 together in the pan for 5-6 minutes in medium to  low flame till they are cooked properly.
  • The Mathris are little soft when out from the oil but turn nice and crispy after they are turn cool.