Red Hot Makke Kee Roti And Sarso Ka Saag

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 Red Hot Makke Kee Roti And Sarso Ka Saag

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :25 Min

Cook Time : 1 Hr 0 Min

Total Time : 1 Hr 25 Min


Serves : 5
  • 1 kgs sarson saag

  • 150 gms palak saag

  • 250 gms bathua saag

  • 1 pinch soda

  • 1 tsp sugar

  • 1/2 cups makki atta

  • 4 nos green chilly

  • 25 gms ginger

  • 2 nos onions

  • 6 nos garlic cloves

  • 100 gms ghee

  • 1/2 tsp red pepper powder

  • 1/2 tsp garam masala

  • 1/2 tsp coriander powder

  • 25 ml beetroot juice

  • 1/2 kgs makki atta

  • 100 ml ghee for frying

  • 1 tsp salt to taste


  • Add the three saags, Add soda and sugar  into fry pan & cook over low heat for 1/2 hours. Squeeze out saag and keep saag water aside. Mash saag in the cooker until coarsely ground, and add makki atta and stir. Put back saag water and a little fresh water & boil over slow fire. Add green chillies .
  • For tadka, add chopped onions, ginger, garlic, red pepper powder; garam masala, dhania & saute until onions and chopped tomatoes are light brown. Mix into saag & garnish with julienne of ginger fried in ghee.
  • For makki ki roti:Knead the makki atta until it becomes a ball, add atta to dry it & knead. Heat the tava and add a little ghee so that it does not stick. Make round shapes of makki roti on chakla & carefully transfer to the tava. Cook with ghee till golden brown. Serve with hot sarson da saag and white butter
  • Makke ka pizza Arrange tha makke kee roti on a baking tray ,place some sarso ka saag in a centre on each of them . Finally top  with greated  mozzarella cheese and bake in the preheated oven till the cheese melts.
  • Your tempting and inviting Makke ki Roti and Sarso a Saag with a twist is ready.. go for it this season!!