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Cooking Time

Preparation Time :10 Min

Cook Time : 1 Min

Total Time : 11 Min


Serves : 2
  • 1 cups yoghurt

  • 1/4 cups powdered sugar

  • 1/4 tsp elaichi powder

  • 1 tsp saffron - few strandsgarnishing, whipped cream


  • Place the yoghurt in a muslin cloth and hang it for about 8-9 hours so that it release all the water content.
  • Them whip the hung curd with the sugar until creamy and fluffy. Mix the saffron in very little warm milk, (do this prior so that the milk cools down).
  • Add the elaichi powder and the saffron milk to the yoghurt mix. Whip well.
  • Pour the mix into dessert glasses and garnish with some whipped cream dollops