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Cooking Time

Preparation Time :20 Min

Cook Time : 10 Min

Total Time : 30 Min


Serves : 4
  • 1 1/2 cups flour(maida)

  • 200-300 ml oil or ghee(for frying)

  • 1/4 tsp saffron

  • 1/4 tsp saffron colour

  • 2 cups sugar

  • 1 nos lemon wedges


  • Place the refined flour in a bowl, add one and a half cups of water
  • and beat with your hands for 20 min to make a light smooth batter.
  • (Make sure that you beat in the same direction for 20min)
  • Leave the batter for 24 hrs in a warm place.
  • Cook the sugar with two cups of water in a deep non-stick pan
  • on high heat, stirring continuously, till the sugar dissolves.
  • Add the lemon wedges and collect the scum, which rises to the surface , and discard.Remove the emon wedges.(if its pure you may not get th scum)
  • dd the saffron and color and cook, stirring, till the sugar becomes thick and stringy of one string consistency.Syrup should not be very loose or very thick.
  • Turn off the heat and keep aside.Let the syrup cool, but ensure that it remains lukewarm.
  • Heat the oil or ghee in a non-stick frying pan on medium heat. The oil for frying should be medium hot.
  • If it is too hot, the jalebis will end up burnt.
  • Add 2 tbsp of flour into the batter and mix well and pour some of the batter into a piping bag and hold the bag over the hot oil.
  • and gently squeeze the batter into the oil in spiral shapes.
  • Start from the outside and work inwards for better result
  • Cook, gently turning the jalebi over occasionally, for few minutes on each side or till golden and crisp. Drain and immediately dip the jalebi's into the warm sugar syrup.
  • Drain and serve hot.