dodha burfi

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dodha burfi

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :1 Min

Cook Time : 45 Min

Total Time : 46 Min


Serves : 4
  • 1/2 litre milk

  • 4 tbsp malai/cream

  • 1 tbsp fine cracked wheat

  • 1 tsp clarified butter/ghee

  • 1/2 tsp cocoa powder

  • 1/2 cups sugar

  • 3 tbsp chopped almonds

  • 3 tbsp chopped cashews

  • 4-5 nos cashews ,for garnishing

  • 1 tsp rose petals for garnishing


  • in a small pan stir fry cracked wheat with ghee over medium heat till it turns brown in colour
  • now add milk and cream to this, let it boil till milk begins to thicken for about 30 minutes stirring occasionally
  • add sugar and mix well
  • keep cooking for about 5 more minutes stirring continuously
  • add cocoa powder and nuts (you can add pistachios also)
  • stir till the mixture starts leaving the sides of pan
  • transfer the dodha to a greased square tray
  • while dodha remains little warm, cut them in pieces
  • garnish with cashews and rose petals and serve