Colored Puttu

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Colored Puttu

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :25 Min

Cook Time : 30 Min

Total Time : 55 Min


Serves : 4
  • 4 cups rice flour white

  • 1 cups corn flour (yellow)

  • 1 cups spinach boiled

  • 1 nos grated carrot

  • 1 nos grated beetroot

  • 1-2 cups water

  • 1 cups coconut

  • 2 tsp salt


  • Take grated CARROT in a mixi jar and make a fine paste by adding some water. Keep aside.
  • Similarlly, blend BEETROOT and SPINACH and keep aside
  • Divide the flour to equal 4 portions. Add salt to each. Mix one with palak (spinach) juice, second one with carrot juice third with beetroot juice Add each juice little by little (or sprinkle- do not over wet the flour) to the flour and gently mix with your fingers.
  • One portion , let it be white in color , so prepare as normal puttu with water.
  • Mix corn puttu flour with some water and salt. Keep aside
  • In a steamer, Add 1 litre water to the bottom vessel and allow to simmer till hot.
  • To layer Puttu, Take a cake mould and place some grated coconut at the bottom of the mould.
  • Top it with some carrot flour first, then spread some grated coconut
  • Then top with corn flour, again spread some grated coconut, then spinach flour and spread grated coconut
  • Then top with beetroot flour again spread some grated coconut and last white flour.
  • Finally finish with some grated coconut on top.
  • Steam it for 30 mins and then de mould it.
  • Your MULTICOLORED PUTTU is ready