Unibic Choco Nut Somasu

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Unibic Choco Nut Somasu

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :35 Min

Cook Time : 20 Min

Total Time : 55 Min


Serves : 12
  • 1 cups all purpose flour

  • 1/8 tsp salt

  • 1 tsp rava

  • 2 tbsp heated oil for dough making

  • 2 tbsp ghee

  • 1/3 cups poppy seeds

  • 5 nos unibic choco nut biscuits,crushed

  • 2 tbsp rasins

  • 2 tbsp roasted mung dhal

  • 1/4 cups grated coconut

  • 2 tbsp sugar

  • 1/4 tsp cardamom powder

  • 3 cups oil for frying


  • Add All purpose flour, salt and rava in a bowl. Add water and oil to it to make a stiff dough and rest it for 10 minutes.
  • Knead the dough for 2 minutes till it becomes soft and again rest it for 15 minutes.
  • In a pan heat ghee and add poppy seeds, remove from heat after it starts to splutter.
  • In the same pan add grated coconut and roast it.
  • Mix mung dhal, poppy seeds, coconut, sugar, cardamom powder, raisins and crushed unibic Choco nut Biscuit together in a bowl.
  • Divide the dough into equal parts and roll out into thin circular sheets.
  • Transfer the rolled sheets to a somasu mould and add the mixed Unibic mixture at the centre and close the mould. Remove the extra dough.
  • Repeat the same procedure with the remaining dough.
  • Heat oil in pan for frying.
  • Fry the somasu till golden brown and remove from heat.