Unibic Pancakes

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Unibic Pancakes

The Smart Shortcut to the Easiest Homemade Pancakes put together just for you, if you feel for some cake. Try It out!

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :10 Min

Cook Time : 5 Min

Total Time : 15 Min


Serves : 2
  • 20-25 nos unibic oats cookies

  • 1-2 cups milk

  • 1 nos ripe bananas, mashed

  • 1/2 tsp baking soda

  • 1 tbsp oil,for pan fry


  • Crush cookies in a blender
  • Now add chopped ripe banana, milk and baking soda to crushed cookies and blend it again in to a smooth batter
  • Heat a non stick pan and leave some oil
  • Pour 1 ladle full of batter and let it spread itself
  • Flip it when done from one side and cook from other side too
  • Cookies banana pan cake is ready to serve , garnish as you like , with chocolate sauce, honey or tutty fruity