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Cooking Time

Preparation Time :25 Min

Cook Time : 10 Min

Total Time : 35 Min


Serves : 4
  • 1/2 kgs raw rice(pachari)

  • 2 cups or rice flour

  • 1 cups grated coconut

  • 2 cups water

  • 1 tsp salt


  • Soak rice for about 5-6 hours
  • Drain the water completely and Spread it on a cloth for 20-25 minutes under a fan
  • Grind it to coarse powder
  • Fry the flour on medium heat for 3-4 min
  • Dont roast it
  • Once it is cool store in an airtight container
  • This is the puttu rice flour
  • In a large bowl, take the powder and sprinkle water (add salt in the water) on the flour
  • (Sprinkle water carefully as it may spoil the puttu if you add more water
  • It should be bread crumb consistency)
  • Blend it in a mixer for 2-3 seconds and then sieve it,The flour should be crumbly and moist, There should be no lumps
  • In the puttu kutty (puttu maker) Place 1 layer of grated coconut at the bottom of the puttu maker then add 2 fistful of puttu flour then again add grated coconut followed by puttu flour
  • Repeat the same process until the mould/puttu kutty is full ending it with grated coconut
  • Add water to the bottom vessel
  • Place the lid over the puttu mould and place the mould over the bottom vessel
  • Steam it for 10 minutes
  • Serve hot with Banana papad or curry of your choice