Choco Balls ( Eggless And Non bake)

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Choco Balls ( Eggless And Non bake)

Eggs add wholesome goodness to almost every meal. Here is delicious egg recipes for you to try out!

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :30 Min

Cook Time : 15 Min

Total Time : 45 Min


Serves : 5
  • 1 nos hershys syrup packet

  • 1 nos oreo biscut packet

  • 1 nos britania cake packet

  • 5-10 nos gems

  • 1 nos coulorful sprinkles packet


  • Grind cake and biscuit
  • Mix syrup to it
  • make a dough of it
  • Make balls of it
  • Decorate it with gems and spinkles
  • Freeze it for 10 min.
  • Serve it