Prawn Tacos

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Prawn Tacos

Many people stay away from eating Prawns thinking they are high in cholesterol. Whilst this is true prawns are actually a source of good cholesterol which can help bring down the bad cholesterol. Prawns are also a rich source of selenium which helps prevent the growth of cancer cells, calcium for the bones, vitamin E for the skin, vitamin B 12 for memory and cardiac health and protein.  Taco's are typically a meat dish but as I only eat meat or chicken once or twice a week I have ualtered the recipe to accommodate prawns. This is satisfying meal and combines the health benefits of the prawns with those of the avocado. If you wanted to be super healthy omit the tacos and serve on leaves of lettuce.  Enough preaching of the health benefits.... I know if you give this a try you will be hooked and will add this to your weekly repertoire. 

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :10 Min

Cook Time : 10 Min

Total Time : 20 Min


Serves : 4
  • 2 tomatoes

  • 2 lime juice

  • 1⁄2 chili powder

  • 1⁄2 ground cumin

  • 4 garlic cloves

  • 1 red onion

  • 200g prawns

  • 3 parsley

  • 8 taco shells

  • 150 iceberg lettuce

  • 1 avocado

  • 125 sour cream


  • Preheat oven to 180c.
  • Combine tomato, lime juice, chilli powder and cumin.
  • Heat 2 tbs of oil and fry the onion and garlic gently till soft, 5 minutes Add the prawns and stir in the prepared tomato mixture and cook for another 5 mins stir in the parsley.
  • Heat the tacos in the oven for 5 minutes.
  • To serve place lettuce in the bottom of the shell, add the prawn mixture and top with avocado and sour cream.