Uncle Bubbas Fry Mix (deep Fry Batter)

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Uncle Bubbas Fry Mix (deep Fry Batter)


found on pauladeen.com. am making tonight but am scaling it down cuz i don't need that much. want to post it here so i don't lose it in the mean time.

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :5 Min

Cook Time : 10 Min

Total Time : 15 Min


Serves : 10
  • 6 self-rising flour

  • 1cup self-rising white cornmeal (see Tip)

  • 1 salt

  • 1 pepper


  • In a large bowl, combine all the ingredients. This recipe makes a ton, so store it in a large resealable plastic bag in the freezer until you need it.
  • Tip: If you can’t find self-rising flour, use 6 cups all-purpose flour plus 3 tablespoons baking powder and 1 1/2 teaspoons salt.
  • Tip: If you can’t find self-rising cornmeal, use 3/4 cup plus 3 tablespoons white cornmeal, 1 tablespoon baking powder, and 1/2 teaspoon salt.