Easy Spaghetti

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Easy Spaghetti

I like this one because the garlic mixes in with the tomato sauce and it goes all yummy. I found this recipe one night when my mum refused to make dinner. Also goes well with garlic bread and a glass of milk.

Cooking Time

Preparation Time :10 Min

Cook Time : 10 Min

Total Time : 20 Min


Serves : 3
  • 1 1⁄2 harissa

  • 1 garlic clove

  • 1 salt

  • 2 1⁄2 pasta

  • water


  • Combine the spagetti sauce, the salt and the crushed garlic clove in a saucepan at a medium heat. cook it until it is steaming then remove from heat.
  • Put the pasta in a seperate saucepan with the water and heat at medium until water is at boiling point and reduce heat to low then remove it from the heat. Then drain out all the water and set aside.
  • Serve pasta with the sauce on the top.